Receive account information via text
With Affinity’s Text Banking you can now check your account balances and receive account notifications through text messages.
Let’s get started!
Log into Online Banking, select Text Banking from the feature services.

On the enrollment screen:
- Assign a membership nickname (Please note nickname guidelines)
- Accept the terms & conditions
- Assign a “Fee Account” from the drop down (you WILL NOT be charged any fees to utilize this service)
- Click, “Submit” to complete your enrollment
Almost there!
- Add your phone number by clicking the “add one now” button
- A verification code will be sent via text to that device & phone number
- Last step – check the box for “send a message to my mobile device(s)” to receive text eAlerts
Text 46247 with any of the following commands to receive:
- BAL – Available balance on savings/checking accounts
- BAL SUFFIX – Receive balance info on specific deposit or loan accounts. (SUFFIX represents 3 digit account suffix — BAL 530 for an auto loan, for example)
- TRANS – Transfer money between accounts, needs to include both the custom code & dollar amount to be transferred. (TRANS CUSTOM CODE 100 to transfer $100 between accounts)
- STOP – to turn off all text banking alerts
Additional commands also available.